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Blix the last brother is still waiting to het adopted

Hinta: 260.00 EUR
Sukupuoli Mies
Ikä 1,5 vuodet
Valmis myytäväksi 18-09-2024
Sijainti 00002 Helsinki
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Blix the last brother is still waiting to het adopted

Meet Blix from Cyprus, who can travel home to Helsinki because it is a more convenient destination. A very cute, playful, and lovable boy. He grew up in love and care with his two siblings ❤️. They were loved from the moment they were rescued, but two of them were adopted together, leaving the third to alone. He made a new companion and has someone to play with, but he would be happier with his own cuddling person.If you are interested in adopting,

Ota yhteyttä nyt Hanki 3 päivän käyttöoikeus vain 1 EUR

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